Helping clients decarbonise and optimise complex energy systems across Transport, Built Environment and Industry

Our mission is to speed the transition to a sustainable energy system.

We collaborate with innovative, forward-thinking companies to evaluate infrastructure and economics for transition to energy efficient and decarbonised solutions.

Road transport

Tackling hard to decarbonise fleet

Marine operations

Reducing emissions for operators, ports & owners

Industry & Built environment

Energy efficiency gains through optimised operations, energy and heat

Energy Systems

Optimising energy production and energy carrier systems

Our Focus

MHTech’s focus is to leverage technology to maximise impact and cost benefit for our clients


Leveraging bespoke and off-the-shelf software and hardware solutions, aligning with client need, and measuring operational impact


Maximising impact on local and global emissions, and evaluating impact on emissions throughout the value chain


Ensuring maximised outcome for minimised cost - our goal is to enable our clients to save cost and realise revenue opportunity through transitioning to more sustainable operations

Our Work

MHTech is a Norway start-up founded to enable the decarbonization of complex energy systems across transport, energy systems, industry & built environment.

Our solutions couple our proprietary energy simulation engine with data analytics and engineering expertise.

We help our clients optimise the transition to decarbonized and future-ready outcomes – minimising risk and unlocking revenue opportunity.

Explore our sectors


We supported an innovative road marking company in maintaining their lead in the market by designing the first decarbonised road marking vehicle in Norway.

Pon ePower

MHTech supported Pon Power Norway in developing pon ePower, an innovative online sizing tool to help customers and engineers better understand the cost and benefits of utilizing hybrid drivetrains in small vessels.


We helped Lineage logistics reduce CO2-emissions energy consumption for a freezer storage facility in Moss. MHTech assisted from feasibility study through project execution.


We collaborate with start-ups who share our mission. We provide expertise, development, and strategy support, enabling our partners to rapidly achieve their goals. Thanks to our latest partners including Ezone, Hayk, and AlwaysCargo.

“We have been collaborating with MHTech for a significant period, and we plan to continue because it is characterized by mutual trust and a solution-oriented approach.”

– FlowChange – CEO

“We at Ze Bra greatly appreciate MHTech’s expertise and ideas aimed at innovation and development within our industry. We find MHTech to be knowledgeable and skilled service providers with a focus on professionalism and efficiency. We look forward to continued collaboration on our projects.”

– Ze Bra – Project Manager

“A professionally strong and inspiring team. Challenges partners and customers to think ELAVSOL outside the traditional box. Capable of seeing the big picture while being highly detail-oriented. Excellent project managers.”

– El av Sol Norge AS – CEO

Our Partners

  • Innovation Norway
  • Nec:\ia
  • SAMS Norway
  • Cluster for Applied AI
  • NCE Smart Energy Markets
  • Nordic Edge
  • UKRI Innovate UK - Business Growth